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Kaylee McMahon

Kaylee McMahon

Principal, CFQ Multifamily

Originally from Portland Oregon, 

She founded the Cashflow QueenTM Education Network group in Dallas. She has a podcast called #1 leading ladies where she interviews kick-ass women who are disrupting their industry and the REAL story of how they got where they are. She is developing technology to help make it easy and convenient for women to learn how to make passive income through apartment investing-the Shevest app.

Kaylee has done home flipping, note buying, active / passive investing in apartments, and sometimes is her own lender as she feels that to be truly confident in giving advice, one should NEVER take advice from someone who has never gone through these things themselves.

Kaylee has purchased over 70 million in multifamily real estate as General partner and principle. She sold over 3 million dollars in residential real estate before transitioning into her current full time syndication role. 

She is always learning about multifamily operations through IREM, and adding more standard operating proceedures and KPIs to get her and her partners the best return on investment.

She gets joy from keeping women from common abuse and pitfalls from doing business alone, and giving them tools to protect themselves online and in business. She stands for justice in her actions in Civil and Criminal court.

The entire backbone of what gets Kaylee out of bed every day is her “why” to create financial independence and safe space for those experiencing codependency and toxic relationships. Her culture models this why and is “Changing the face of multifamily” to bring more women into the light as powerhouse operators, key principles, construction managers, limited partner investors and mentors. We will create 1 billion invested by, for, and with women by 2030.


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