Three years established and a full service, vertically integrated Build-to-Rent platform focused in the Southeast, we chat with Trilogy...
“The nation’s largest engineering and inspection firm”, Arcxis cover the gamut from mechanical to electrical to energy modeling, the list goes on...
Bringing a wealth of market knowledge Jeff Cline shares contributing factors to investment opportunities amidst evolving...
Now running his third company in this space, Simon sat down with IMN to share the experience, scalability, and difference of Tiber Capital in the SFR industry...
In his own words, Ethan says Latchel is: "A software platform that helps companies improve their maintenance sufficiency's, as well as providing a suite of...
With Charlie's Build-to-Rent book picked up by Forbes, he's someone to have on your radar - particularly if you're in Texas.
Who are Excalibur Homes? Dan tells us about their family owned business serving as "a third party property manager, managing and leasing assets for...
Sarah and George cover a range in this conversation, from renters insurance: the struggles but also the solutions. Plus, the products to help rent reporting - across both reside...
We're talking how investor market interest rates are affecting valuations and what to expect from cap rates for market trading.
Repercussions of the macroeconomic environment on the SFR sector, ILE Homes' use of technology, and what to expect for the SFR industry across the next ten years.