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02:20 PM
  1. Rose Island Foyer & Beacon Ballroom Foyer
    130 mins
    • Networking
    2:20 departure from hotel (IMN will provide transportation); departs promptly at 2:30pm and will return at 4:30pm. Please arrive to the boat no later than 2:25pm.
    The Adirondack II is a classic 80’ schooner. As you glide through the waves enjoy gorgeous coastline views and be awed as you glance upward at the sails billowing from 65’ masts.
02:30 PM
  1. Rose Island Foyer & Beacon Ballroom Foyer
    120 mins
    • Networking
    Please email: if you are interested in joining the excursion.
    Courtesy Of Appfolio.
    Departs from a dock that is walking distance from the hotel (please meet at the IMN registration desk at 2:15pm)
    2:20pm departure from the hotel (transportation will be provided for those who need it) – 2:30pm-4:30pm sail.
  2. Rose Island Foyer & Beacon Ballroom Foyer
    120 mins
    • Networking

    Please email: if you are interested in joining the excursion.

    Enjoy a memorable sail on scenic Narragansett Bay. The Aurora is a 101’ traditional wooden schooner originally built in 1947 in Thomaston, Maine. She was rebuilt in the 1990s in a tall ship fashion. The Adirondack II is a classic 80’ schooner. As you glide through the waves enjoy gorgeous coastline views and be awed as you glance upward at the sails billowing from 65’ masts.

    Aurora – departs from a dock that is walking distance from the hotel; departs promptly at 2:30pm and will return at 4:30pm. Please arrive to the boat no later than 2:25pm.

04:00 PM
  1. Rose Island Foyer & Beacon Ballroom Foyer
    120 mins
    • Miscellanous
  2. Rose Island Foyer & Beacon Ballroom Foyer
    90 mins
    • Networking
  3. Rose Island Foyer & Beacon Ballroom Foyer
    120 mins
    • Miscellanous
05:15 PM
  1. Hamilton
    45 mins
    • Session
    This interactive discussion will address topics like the real estate glass ceiling, career development and your questions in this intimate, small group setting

06:00 PM
  1. Lighthouse Lawn
    60 mins
    • Networking
07:45 AM
  1. Rose Island Foyer & Beacon Ballroom Foyer
    30 mins
    • Miscellanous
08:15 AM
  1. Beacon Ballroom ABCD
    45 mins
    • Session
    •  Where is valuation, really? What is the best way to assess true market value? Where are lenders with valuation?
    •  Borrower liquidity update
    • State of the banks and private lenders
    • The state and which states… The distressed real estate market
    • Where is tenant risk at this part of the cycle?
    •  Insurance, climate risk and property taxes: Where are they becoming a problem?
    • The White House and new regulations that might be coming
    • Real estate and interest rate scenarios
09:00 AM
  1. Beacon Ballroom ABCD
    45 mins
    • Session
    • Stressed and underwater portfolio strategies for your investments? Potential acquisitions or financing
    • Opportunistic strategies and value creation
    • Financing your latest deal
    • Favorite asset class outside the 4 food groups
    • With all of the distress in office and multifamily and industrial showing weakness how are you playing the current distressed/stressed property market?
    • Conversion deal experiences
    • How are investment criteria and return expectations changing?
    • Alternative niches: what is your favorite asset class outside the 4 food groups?
09:45 AM
  1. Rose Island Foyer & Beacon Ballroom Foyer
    45 mins
    • Networking
10:30 AM
  1. Beacon Ballroom BCD
    45 mins
    • Session
    • What is really AI and what is not?
    • How do prices impact your actions?
    • Where do you think we are in the market cycle? Where do you think the local economy is?
    • Differences on financing
    •  How are vacancy rates influencing your decision? 
    • Completion time and where you expect to be in the cycle
    • What kind of asset are you thinking about? 
  2. Beacon Ballroom A
    45 mins
    • Session
    • The keys to a successful fund administration transition
    •  Different nuances of different fund structures
    • What are the key issues that are coming up on the transparency and reporting side?
    • What can you do in-house?
    •  Fund admin ESG stuff
    • Accounting and banking need to knows
    • How is AI infiltrating the space?
    • New fund admin product offerings
  3. Lewis Hall
    45 mins
    • Session
    • When do you start your second fund?
    • Top concerns and pain points of launching and managing the first fund and how are those being addressed in subsequent fund launches
    • Fees structures and economics: Do fund managers have more leverage in subsequent fund launches?
    • Changes in capital raising strategies and reporting requirements
    • New compliance considerations or changes to existing compliance structures
    •  Increased investor transparency
11:15 AM
  1. Beacon Ballroom BCD
    45 mins
    • Session
    • Any new Freddie/Fannie wrinkles?
    • How are you convincing investors that multifamily is still the place to be?
    • Where is the rent/home affordability equation now?
    • Are you facing a refinancing conundrum? What is your strategy?
    • Market liquidity and pricing update
    •  How is new fundraising in the space?
    • Macroeconomic market outlook: What is your strategy going forward?
    • How do you see the current multifamily financial distress problem playing out?
  2. Beacon Ballroom A
    45 mins
    • Session
    • Risk and AI downside
    • Applications for sourcing capital
    • Forecasting and predictive analysis: How is AI assisting you in finding the best investment?
    •  What do you need to do from an organizational point of view before you start to consider adding AI?
    • What kind of labor-intensive work can AI assist you with?
    • Apps and dashboards
    • Generative video applications, computer vision & machine learning
    • Property valuation/appraisals/market analytics/proformas/underwriting
  3. Lewis Hall
    45 mins
    • Session
    • Underused credits and deductions that are available
    • Property tax saving out there
    • Will bonus depreciation come back?
    • Extending tax deferrals for DSTs
    • Opportunity zones beyond 2026
    • ERC & fraud
    • What you need to know about OZ fund reinvestment
    • As office values drop are cities looking to raise property taxes to make up for the shortfall?
12:00 PM
  1. Beacon Ballroom BCD
    45 mins
    • Session
    • How are you modeling stabilization? Hold period? 
    • State of the non-institutional buyer
    • Since you’ve been on a bit of a pause have you been changing your acquisition period?
    • What kind of ROI are you going for?
    • How is financing looking?
    •  Portfolios you are looking at
    • What kind of new due diligence best practices are you performing on distressed properties?
    • Are you looking more at asset management?: 
  2. Beacon Ballroom A
    45 mins
    • Session
    • Amount of leverage out there
    • Current values and returns of different capital stack tranches
    • Are you going lower in the capital stack to manage risk?  Are you going higher and finding better returns?
    • Where are you playing in the construction market?
    • How are your workouts working out?
    • Are you currently preferring mezz or preferred?
    • Rescue capital, including discount payoffs financing, distressed note purchases, credit linked notes
    • What kind of new structural iterations are becoming more prevalent?

  3. Lewis Hall
    45 mins
    • Session
    • What kind of discounted payoffs are out there?
    • Using a 721 exchange
    • Asking for a loan modification: What do you need to know? 
    • When have you asked for capital calls?
    • Keys to successfully working with special assets and special servicing
    • What to know about having or being in a mezz, preferred or in another place in the capital stack?
    • Comparing loan types: CMBS, CLO, balance sheet, syndicated loan or warehouse line
    • Refinancing debt vs. exchanging for equity
    • Impact of why in default… Underperformance vs. maturity default vs. covenant violation

12:45 PM
  1. Lighthouse Lawn
    70 mins
    • Miscellanous
01:55 PM
  1. Beacon Ballroom BCD
    45 mins
    • Session
    • Which assumptions you should be making regarding assumable mortgages?
    • Where is the CLO market? What is its impact?
    • Availability of gap capital
    • What is your answer when a client asks for a loan modification or discounted payoff?
    • C-Pace financing out there
    • What kind of risk/return are you looking at?
    • Sources of capital update
    • The latest loan terms across the spectrum
  2. Beacon Ballroom A
    45 mins
    • Session
    • What are the most recent ways you are using tech to boost performance? Cut expenses?
    •  What kind of new building-level risks are you dealing with?
    • How has your financial plan changed for your buildings?
    • Asset class specific actions
    • How are you treating properties that aren’t cash flowing as you need?
    • Properties that are being worked out… What is your strategy?
    • Are you looking to sell? What kind of pricing are you looking for? Getting? What are you going to do about the gap?
  3. Lewis Hall
    45 mins
    • Session
    • Office to residential vs. hotels
    • Handling capital calls
    • Private public partnerships and government grants for office to residential conversion
    •  When does the office to storage play work?
    • What do you look for in a hotel to residential conversion?
    • What does the financing look like?
    • How low is the price point you need to buy the property at? Does your building need to be functionally obsolete to make the conversion worth it?
    • Office to multifamily… What do you need to know?
02:40 PM
  1. Beacon Ballroom BCD
    55 mins
    • Session
    • How has your scrutiny of office deals changed?
    • What are the attributes that will allow you to convert to multifamily? A hotel?
    • Future of flex/coworking
    • When will the office market get back to semi-normal?
    • Tenant downsizing…  How much more left to go?
    • Where do you think the number of workers coming back to the office will land?  How is that impacting your strategy?
    • When do you know to walk away? Run?
    • How are you treating your class A+ holdings vs. other grades of buildings?
  2. Lewis Hall
    45 mins
    • Session
    • What is the rationale behind your change?
    • Getting your LPs on board
    • Is it a good time to change your acquisition-based strategy to construction?
    • Follow the available financing…
    • Now you are a distressed shop… New acquisitions or white knight capital?
    •  Since you’ve been not acquiring have you been changing your fund acquisition period?
    •  Changing property types by choice (acquisitions) or market conditions (conversions)
  3. Beacon Ballroom A
    45 mins
    • Session
    See a couple of deals presented and hear how they discuss some of the key issues surrounding these assets including valuation, cash flow, the impact of macroeconomics factors and stress test assumptions in this volatile market.
03:25 PM
  1. Lewis Hall
    45 mins
    • Session
    • New wrinkles in separate accounts and sidecars
    • Should you address the ability to raise additional capital in your initial fund doc?
    •  Structuring the GP strip
    • Anchor investor terms and how they are changing
    • Costs & benefits of Co-GP capital, share of promote, assistance of capital raise
    • How much in fund reserves is enough at this time?
    • What are foreign investors looking for?
    • New developments in structuring for RIAs
    • Non-IRR and multi-hurdle promotes
  2. Beacon Ballroom BCD
    45 mins
    • Session
    • What is your plan to transition to positive leverage?
    • How much of an income stream is enough?
    • What kind of appreciation expectations are you building in?
    • Debt service ratios and upfront cash you are comfortable with
    • What kind of loan terms make sense? Downpayment?
    • When are you modeling for a refi?
    • How much are your comfortable paying for your project?
  3. Beacon Ballroom A
    45 mins
    • Session
    • Options to enhance yields via new consumer products and operating models
    • Can new owner incentives and investors renter partnership models like rent-to-own and shared appreciation work at volume from a risk-adjusted return perspective?
    • What kind of product are Freddie/Fannie underwriting?
    • Backyards and garages vs. community amenities
    •  Trends in footprints and storage
    • Return on cost benchmarks
    • State of the trades
    • Where is the rent/home affordability equation today?
    • Forward purchase agreements
04:10 PM
  1. Rose Island Foyer & Beacon Ballroom Foyer
    20 mins
    • Networking
05:15 PM
  1. Beacon Ballroom A
    45 mins
    • Session
    • How much liquidity are you seeing on the sidelines?
    • Are foreign investors starting to trickle back?
    • Specific assets and geographies that aren’t investable and the ones that are
    • What kind of prices are you looking for to get back in? Financing?
    • What are you LPs looking for?
    • Economic performance… Does that have any impact on your lack of real estate investment?
    • The next President: How will who is in the White House impact your investment volume and strategy?
  2. Beacon Ballroom BCD
    45 mins
    • Session
    • What is your debt strategy?
    •  Separate accounts vs. commingled vs. Co-GP
    • What kind of check size are you comfortable with
    • JVs: What are you looking for?
    • Giving the new fund a break…
    • How a fund can capture your attention
    • Are you interested in being an anchor investor? What would be the terms?
    • What is the infrastructure you would be looking for in those you work with?
    • What are some new areas of real estate you are looking into?
06:00 PM
  1. Lighthouse Lawn
    120 mins
    • Networking
07:45 AM
  1. Rose Island
    55 mins
    • Miscellanous
08:00 AM
  1. Lewis Hall
    40 mins
    • Session
    Transitioning from a syndicator or deal-by-deal shop? Are you chasing family and country club dollars but want to go institutional? This two-way discussion featuring your inputs will answer the key questions you have including Where should you find and anchor GP? New partner success stories and the latest in IRRs, ROE, Term Sheets and structures.
08:30 AM
  1. Rose Island Foyer & Beacon Ballroom Foyer
    15 mins
    • Miscellanous
08:45 AM
  1. Lewis Hall
    45 mins
    • Session
    • Where is the most equity today? Best terms?
    • Is there syndication and crowdfunding money available?
    • What kind of checks are being written from different sponsor types? What are the conditions and structures?
    • What is equity looking like in development deals?
    • How is fund fundraising doing for those under $1billion? $100 million?
    • Where is the retail investor?
    • What do you look for in a programmatic joint venture partner?
    • Equity across different asset classes
09:30 AM
  1. Lewis Hall
    45 mins
    • Session
    • What are sound underwriting best practices today?
    • Underwriting large “A” class vs. “B/C” buildings
    • Where are values and appraisals?
    • How are you underwriting properties in financial distress? In distressed markets or sectors?
    • Underwriting in today’s environment vs. as rates fall as expected
    • Which factors currently have an outsized impact on your underwriting?
10:15 AM
  1. Lewis Hall
    45 mins
    • Session
    • How has your investment criteria changed? Acquisition period?
    • Strategies for vintage vs. new funds
    • What kind of valuations are you looking for?
    • How are you looking at distressed situations?
    • Debt investment and lending strategies
    • Sector specific opportunities
    • Financing availability
    • What are the characteristics of the markets you are looking at?
    • The last deal you closed… Didn’t close?
11:00 AM
  1. Rose Island Foyer & Beacon Ballroom Foyer
    15 mins
    • Networking
11:15 AM
  1. Lewis Hall
    45 mins
    • Session
    • As funds perform as they are you looking for liquidity solutions?
    • How are you dealing with capital calls?
    • What kind of real estate fund was the last one you signed on for?
    • Minority, emerging and new funds: What is the best way to approach you?
    • What are some of the newest manager due diligence best practices you have implemented?
    • ESG: How should a fund act in this charged political environment & still make money?
12:00 PM
  1. Beacon Ballroom ABCD
    45 mins
    • Session
    • How to convince investors to come in early?
    • Should you hit up the retail/RIA market?
    • When should you adjust NAV?
    • How did you find your last new investor?
    • How important is track record? ESG?
    • Placement agent success stories
    • Why did you say no to a potential client?
    • Friends and family vs. raising funds publicly… How big should your fund investment base be?
    • Managing your relations with fund 1 investors for fund 2
    • How big should your fund investment team be?
12:45 PM
  1. Rose Island Foyer & Beacon Ballroom Foyer
    0 mins
    • Miscellanous

Want to showcase your insights and expertise on the current CRE market? Then we want to hear from you! 

Contact Steve Glener, Director of Research, for speaking opportunities at this renowned event.


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